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Students Facilitation

The Dean, Students' Welfare of the University is the nodal officer for student facilitation services as he/she shall look after the general welfare of the students.

By: (Prof. Seemi Farhat Basir)

As per Ordinance 21 (XXI) of The Dean, Students' Welfare (DSW) of the University is mandated to arrange for the guidance of and advise to the students of the University in matters relating to the following:

  • Organisation and development of students' bodies.
  • Counselling and students' guidance facilities.
  • Promotion of students' participation in co-curricular and social activities;
  • Financial aid to students.
  • Students- Teacher and Student-Administration relationship.
  • Career advice services.
  • Health and Medical Services for the students.
  • Residential life of the students.
  • Arranging facilities for the students' Educational Tours and Excursion, other than those prescribed as part of curriculum.
  • securing facilities for students for further studies in the country and/or abroad, and career advancement.
  • Any other problems of the students relating to the University.

In view of the above, the DSW is mandated to redress students' grievances / concerns related to these issues.

  • Moreover, the University encourages the students to share any of their grievances which pose hindrance in their academic activities with the concerned authorities. Students are advised to bring any difficulty they face to the notice of the concerned Head of the Department or the Director of the Centre, who will try to resolve the problems within a reasonable time. In case the problem persists, they may write or approach the Dean of the concerned Faculty.

The following officers may be contacted in cases of emergencies or in case of the Faculty or Department/Centre concerned has not been able to address the problems within reasonable period:

  • Dean, Students' Welfare - All academic matters. Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities. Complaints pertaining to issues of discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Chief Proctor - Discipline related matters
  • Provost (Boys) - Matters concerning Halls of Residence (Boys)
  • Provost (Girls) - Matters concerning Halls of Residence (Girls)
  • Registrar - All academic and administrative matters
  • Vice- Chancellor - All academic and administrative matters