Course Offered

  • Dareecha KG-1: There are 7 sections in Dareecha in the age group of 3.6 to 4.6 years.
    Chaman KG-2: There are 6 sections in Chaman in the age group of 4.6 to 5.6 years.
  • Teaching: The school's curriculum is based on Montessori's Philosophy i.e. play way method and project method. The activities done in the classes are age appropriate and focus on the all round development of the children, i.e. physical, cognitive, language & socio-emotional development.

Activities for each development area are as follows

Gross Motor Development: The activities undertaken are Jungle gym, Swings, Slides, Running, Jumping, Throwing, Catching, Rolling, etc.

Fine-Motor Development: The activities undertaken are threading the beads, tearing and pasting, cutting, printing, etc.

  • Physical Development:
  • Cognitive Development: Activities are undertaken for the development of 5 senses i.e. touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. Story-sequencing, memory games, fun with shapes & colours, blocks, pre-mathematical and mathematical games, seriation, classification, identification, matching, sequencing, concept formation etc.
  • Language Development: Activities are undertaken for the development of listening skills such as identification of sounds made by the teachers like clapping, snapping etc & sounds made by nature like falling of water, wind, rain. Identification of sounds of animals and birds, sound boxes. Recognition of sound of alphabets A-Z.
  • Activities are undertaken for the development of speaking skills such as free conversation, conversation on a particular topic, puppetry, question & answer, rhymes, story-telling, dramatization & role play etc.

  • Activities are undertaken for the development of writing skills such as pattern drawing, joining the dots, crayon rubbing, colouring, writing with chalk on the floor and on the blackboard, worksheets, writing letters A-Z & a-z, Numbers 1-20 etc.

  • Socio-emotional Development: Clay and sand play, water play, doll house play, puppetry, festival celebration, dramatics, and role play.
  • Creative expression and Aesthetic appreciation through art and craft activities such as palm impression, foot impression, finger tip painting, vegetable printing, thread painting, painting with natural flowers and leaves, colouring, tearing & pasting, paper folding celebration of festivals etc.

Various other programmes that are conducted regularly in the school throughout the year are: teaching practice (held every year) for the students of B.Ed (Nursery) of IASE, B.Ed (Distance Mode) JMI and IGNOU. Teachers go out to various organizations & workshops as resource persons. Workshops on Nursery Education and Art & Craft are held in the School every academic year. Placement training / visitors, orientation meeting, monthly P.T.M, celebration of national and cultural festivals, picnic twice in a year, mid day meal, sports day, annual function, school visit and summer camp.